Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My first piece for objects for art!

Alright this is my perpetual art project! My idea here is that what I have done is made some art. Now the first person who wants it (yay free art!) can e-mail me at objectsforart@gmail.com and I will send it to them.

But! There is a catch. First they have to send me something - anything at all. (Keeping it small for the time being considering postage). And once I receive that I will send them this piece of art. Then I will make art out of whatever they send me and post it on here and the next person who e-mails me first gets that! But once again they have to send me something. (I want to recieve the object first because I know people are forgetful and lazy so I don't want to send away art for an object that never comes. <3)

The more creative the thing you send me the better! It can be anything, a scrap of paper or fabric, a list of words, a poem, a postcard, a lock of hair, a bracelet, garbage, whatever. I have been wanting to make art lately and I've been dying for something to get me inspired. So now it's your turn to inspire me! And it's also a great way to share my art with the world!

So whoever is the first person to e-mail me at objectsforart@gmail.com I'll e-mail them back my P.O. Box. And as soon as I get something from them I will send them this:

I apologize for the terrible quality of the picture: I have no scanner or camera I had to take this with my phone.

I'll give you some context to this: I thought it would be suiting for me to make my first piece of art out of something else. So these are clippings from the "street art coloring book" my lovely friend Patrick gave me for my birthday. I inserted the speech balloon and did the coloring.

So whoever is the first person to e-mail me I will respond to them with my P.O. Box and then I will make a blog post saying that I have recieved the e-mail, so people are aware it's no longer available. Then when I recieve the object I will post a picture of it pre-artification.

So get cracking people!


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